Make a Legacy of giving with a gift of a Student Scholarship
Establish a scholarship fund and decide the terms of its award and administration. Use your gift to honor someone or in the name of a business, foundation or organization. BE A PART OF KUDRATAN LEGACY.
“How could the heart be indifferent to such a school where stone and glass, water and green lawns, trees and flowers were arranged in such ordered beauty for the service of learning.”
Lourdes Veloso-Mastura, the School Administrator
Support the SKIA Foundation General Scholarship Fund
When SKIA general scholarship supports full-time students at our Foundation College, the community, industry and government benefit, too. Giving gifts may be made to establish endowed funds, chairs or programs.
The Annual Fund Alumni fund giving is a recurring campaign. By combining grants and outside scholarships and a work/study component, this program helps lower-income students achieve their educational goals debt-free.
Financial Aid and Endowment Support Areas
- Student Scholarships
- Faculty chairs
- Research Endowments
Why Endowments (Wakaf)?
Endowments are permanent legacy in which funds are held in perpetuity and only the investment income is expanded annually. Endowed funds are invested prudently to ensure they can sustain current and future needs.
Establishment of wakaf is identical to giving a bequest to provide long-term sources of funding for the SKIA Islamic Academy Foundation. It is dedicated to provide lasting stability for SKIA research, faculty and student support.
Gabriela Mistral, poet, humanist, educator, Nobel peace in literature
His name is Today
We are guilty of many errors and many faults;
But our worst crime is
abandoning the children;
Neglecting the foundation of life.
Many of the things we need can wait;
The child cannot.
Right now is the time his bones are being formed;
his blood is being made and his senses
are being developed.
To him we cannot answer “Tomorrow”.
Benefits of Establishing an Endowment
- Serves as a permanent named tribute
- Provides opportunity for future generation
- Generates social impact on student life
- Payout benefits sustain stability for SKIA